July 26th
Its been a while i know. As most of you already know max has a third surgery. I called friday morning(23rd) to check on him. i couldn't visit him on this morning because i had to be at work early. I called about 3 times waiting on his blood test results wondering if he was going into surgery. The doc told me he would have to do it again and would do it about 4 or 5 this afternoon. I got off at 3 so i rushed over to see him before surgery. I was to late and they already started. i was really bummed. I see him twice a day and this day i didn't get to see him at all.
Its been a while i know. As most of you already know max has a third surgery. I called friday morning(23rd) to check on him. i couldn't visit him on this morning because i had to be at work early. I called about 3 times waiting on his blood test results wondering if he was going into surgery. The doc told me he would have to do it again and would do it about 4 or 5 this afternoon. I got off at 3 so i rushed over to see him before surgery. I was to late and they already started. i was really bummed. I see him twice a day and this day i didn't get to see him at all.
Sat. 24th
morning (my bday) we got up early to do the yard sale for max. trying to Make some money to pay for his vet bill. Adrianna had a lemonade stand, i made cookies for doggies, and we had a donation box set up. It went pretty well. I got cleaned up and ready for my bday party and i stopped in to see max. The Nurse told me he was sleeping from the pain med. but i could come see him. I went up there and spent some time with him. He was out didn't even know i was there. After about ten minutes i left max...... My bday party went well... i called again to check on max they said he was doing well. I told them i would see him tomorrow morning.
Sunday 25th
I called to check on max the nurse asked if she can call us back b/c the doc was in surgery. We went back to the house as i was driving home i was thinking of My next day off work and thinking if he is doing okay i can prolly bring him home on wens. I get home and my hubby was on the phone and he looked pretty sad. Great i thought another surgery. he looked at me and said... max has passed away..... my heart shattered....how can this be...no..no he is coming home he is suppose to come home this surgery was not suppose to be that big of a deal. they kept telling us he was doing really good....he got off the phone said it was do to complications of the surgery.,..we cried...and cried... my heart is broken... people think we are crazy, we only had this dog for not even a month and Andrew and i feel like we have lost our best friend of 10+ years. He was a perfect dog. He was so sweet and funny. he would come to the side of our bed at night and lay his big giant head on top ours. He would get so excited when we came home he would have to bring us his big yellow plush bone. He would follow us room to room because he didnt want to be alone. He would look at us with those big brown eyes at dinner time trying to charm us into giving him food. He would rush to Adrianna's side when he heard her cry. He was the perfect dog for our family. We fell in love with him the first day we met him, even though he dragged me ten feet across a gravel road i was still loved him.
Andrew went and got his body sunday afternoon, we buried him at My good friend Katie's house, they own their home and will be living there for a long time, we live in base housing and will soon be moving out so we thought that it was a good place to put him at rest... I watched them dig the hole with endless tears streaming down my cheeks. My heart hurts so much. They went and got his body and my husband and i got his big yellow plush bone and his dog tags that we just made for him, they layed him down to rest and we placed his fav. yellow bone in with him along with his tags. I just wanted to close my eyes and wake up, i want to think he is still coming home to our family, i miss his slobbery face, and mopping my kitchen floor every time he gets a drink of water. i miss those big brown eye's. Andrew threw the first pile of dirt onto his resting body. I sat and watched as they covered max, and a part of my heart with dirt. When they were done i placed some flowers on his grave and i ordered a stepping stone to place there too. We love you max. you were the best damn dog. i wish we could have spent more time with you, I wish we could have taken more pictures. What if we took you to another vet. so many what ifs and wish i would have's But i guess i cant think about those things...we did all that we could could we loved him as much as we could and we try to save him as hard as we could.....My heart will be broken for quite sometime. But he is not longer in pain, no more surgeries. Just happiness now. We love you Max Pony Wright may you rest in peace
Andrew went and got his body sunday afternoon, we buried him at My good friend Katie's house, they own their home and will be living there for a long time, we live in base housing and will soon be moving out so we thought that it was a good place to put him at rest... I watched them dig the hole with endless tears streaming down my cheeks. My heart hurts so much. They went and got his body and my husband and i got his big yellow plush bone and his dog tags that we just made for him, they layed him down to rest and we placed his fav. yellow bone in with him along with his tags. I just wanted to close my eyes and wake up, i want to think he is still coming home to our family, i miss his slobbery face, and mopping my kitchen floor every time he gets a drink of water. i miss those big brown eye's. Andrew threw the first pile of dirt onto his resting body. I sat and watched as they covered max, and a part of my heart with dirt. When they were done i placed some flowers on his grave and i ordered a stepping stone to place there too. We love you max. you were the best damn dog. i wish we could have spent more time with you, I wish we could have taken more pictures. What if we took you to another vet. so many what ifs and wish i would have's But i guess i cant think about those things...we did all that we could could we loved him as much as we could and we try to save him as hard as we could.....My heart will be broken for quite sometime. But he is not longer in pain, no more surgeries. Just happiness now. We love you Max Pony Wright may you rest in peace

Hey girl. I read this and my heart broke for you all over again. I am so sorry girl. I know how much you guys loved him. And who cares if you only had him for a short time he was yalls baby. I'm here if you ever need to talk. <3