July 18th
I got home from work today our dog has been throwing up everything even water. We were afraid he may have a blockage in his intestines from other things he may have eaten. So we went to the emergency animal hospital. after the xrays the confirmed he has a full obstruction in his small intestines. Since i know the hem of the blue jeans he ate didnt come from our house we think that this is the reason he was sick the week after we got him was because he had stuff in his belly already that would explain the fever the not eating well ect. It may have been in his belly for a while the doc seams to think the same thing. We dont blame anyone for what he has eaten he is a dog they kinda do what they please. Were just glad we caught it when we did before is severely hurt or killed our big boy. The worst part is...our bill is about 3,000 dollars.... yeah stab me with a knife i know. He said he will give us another discount because he has heart for people who rescue their pets. And he can tell we spoil max and take the best care of him possible. so im not sure what the bill is gonna be... I dont know what were gonna do...were suppose to be in the process of buying a house and getting out of the marine corps and saving our pennies for what may come in the civilian world....but he is Worth it no doubt we would spend the money over taking chances and him dying any day.i just wish all this didnt come at once ya know.....sigh......well its only 4 p.m. thats my day so far....
max is in surgery as i speak...pray for him
After 3 hours of surgery max is going good. The doctor said he had a huge mass in his small intestines and that it put alot of stress and strain on his intestines he opened it up there was another sock in there and another mass of something he hadn't dissected it yet so wasn't sure what it was. then he said he went into the stomach and there were leaves and sticks that he had been eating to make himself throw up so he got that out he also said that there was a big ball of hair it wasn't his it was long hair. Which he wouldn't have gotten that here or the hem of the jeans because i don't cut off the bottom of jeans . The doctor think it has been there for a while now and was just starting to try and make its way through is body.He said its a good thing we had them do emergency surgery tonight because even another day he probably would have had to take out some of his intestines we think he's had all this in his body for close to a month now. He started getting sick the beginning of July then he seemed to be much better after we took him to the first vet but they didnt think to do x-rays just though he was just fighting a little sickness. he started eating again but then we think that as the objects finally started to come out it all just got lodged in and made him sicker. He is doing good tho were going first thing in the morning to see him andrews gonna try to take off work to send most the day at the animal hospital...were both just really upset because we dont want him to think we abandoned him. He doesn't get to come home until wens or Thurs so we will be there to see him everyday until he gets to come home. Just as a precaution were are spending the next few days really looking over the house, putting our dirty laundry baskets in the closets so we can prevent this from happing in our home as well! We are just so glad our boy is okay. We've only had him for a short time but he has def. stole our heart ;-) thank you all for your prayers!!!

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