June 29th, 2010
We made our 16 hour drive from south Carolina to Illinois where we lived before my husband joined the USMC. Everything went pretty smooth no flat tire no cracked wind shield we did great!! One of the reason were drove home was to get our new dog Max, a 150 lb English mastiff. It was love at first site. I decided to take him out on a run ( about 30 min. after meeting him) First off....Max does not like to run...he likes to walk i tried to get him to at least jog and he looked at me like i was crazy. After wearing myself out just trying to get him to run we walked up the back way to my in laws house ,a little gravel alley. Now understand he out weighs me by about 40 lbs. One thing i did not know about this new dog is....he loves to chase small animals. There was a bunny.....a bunny that i didn't not see and max did.... a bunny that cause max to unleash his running ability ....the leash was wrapped around my wrist. I hit the ground hard and he dragged me about ten feet across the gravel road until he realized he was not going to catch the bunny dragging me behind. When he turned around he gave me a look like "whatchya doin down there." I limped across the yard yelled for Andrew (my husband) to take our new horse while i checked out my wounds. Road rash all up and down my legs that later turned into beautiful bruises looked amazing for the wedding we went to a few days later, scrapes up and down my arms belly and chest my knee got the worst couldn't hardly walk on it for a week.... still hurts (3 weeks later) after i get done running. Ahh max max max my new dog max. That's when i decided i will not be doing the walks until he gets some training........

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