Story of my life

So here it is... my story. Have you ever seen the movie good luck chuck? That's me One of the most un luckiest girl you will ever meet. Pretty much every day my life is an adventure of things going wrong. So i thought i would share my mishaps and bad luck with all of you!
With love

Don't cry over spilled Cappuccino's

July 13th

I found a sitter for the rest of the week thank goodness. I got to work (late) and was getting my lunch and cell phone and keys and my cappuccino out of the car. I dropped my 24oz of cappuccino , it splashed all over the ground and all down my leg...wonderful and hot very very hot. So now pissed cuz A. im soaked with cappu. and B. i dont get to drink it and if i dont get my daily drink then im not happy..... so i get inside reg coffee will just have to do to get me through my morning. Go to put my food in the fridge and realize i forgot my yogurt for my a.m. snack and my apple to go with my now im gonna be crabby and hungry...great. Well my day continues and i decided to go over and look for a ring. I have a ring called originality ring you get 3 or so to add on to the one you have diff styles and what not. i get myself one for personal goals i set. Kinda like a treat. Well anyway i go over there and guess what... i find out that they have been discontinued and we no longer have them..... i only got one of those rings.....

p.s. Today i also found out....our hours have been cut to only 30....fantastic

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