friend- Umm, I think in your close up pic of you,drew & the dog, you might of had a nip slip? lol! Just thought you might want to know.
Me- no nothin is showin lol that shirt is way above my nips lol i ha scratches and stuff on my chest from when he drug me across the gravel road im assuming thats what you see.
And after closer examination after i got home I did indeed have a nipple hanging out they were right there!! It was on facebook for like a 2 weeks!.....they were the only one's who notice thank you lord!!! it was kinda hard to tell but they could.... and no dont ask if the picture is still is not (ive actually had ppl ask me this)
So later that night i took max for a walk.... i know i said ill never walk him till he gets trained but...ya know.... Max isnt really a small animal person. he isnt mean at all he just likes to chase. Well my neighbors came walking up w a little dog not on a leash. i said hey he isnt to good with small animals.....nothing.... Hey guys really he isnt good with small animals he likes to chase and stuff... still they kept standing there then the dog takes off running does max the leash went through my hand at such a speed i got rope burn across the palm of my hand and one finger the one on my palm went through a few layers of skin....and to think i was just healing from the last episode... well i said SCREW THIS im not going through this again and just let go.... and off they went max chasing the little dog.... he wasnt snapping or being mean just chasing. so tired from just getting home from the gym....i had to run around the neighbor hood chasing them.... finally max(who doesnt like to run) gets tired and slows down enough for me to catch him.... my hand feels like i stuck it in a oven.....burns pretty feirce

july 14 2010
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