So you know how you never see a certain type of car until you own one then you see them everywhere?....its kinda like that.... Sunday evening after everything was over..andrew and i were laying in bed watch t.v. A commercial for the PepsieMAX drink came on followed by a commercial for dogs...andrew and i both looked at each other like are u serious right now....ugh... Then today i was just skimming the newspaper looking at real estate and there in bold letters.... Mastiff puppies for sale.... ya know i would have never seen that add if max was okay.....we are getting reminded without even wanting to be reminded that our boy is gone......it sucks.....
but on a lighter note a few good things....
yesterday i was waiting in line at sonic to get a tropical fruit smoothie.....one of the workers (knows me pretty well b/c of my visits came rolling up with a drink. She said ya here for a lemon berry slush? i said no not today i haven't had that in a while i started drinking the fruit smoothies...she's like well i didn't know ya changed on me i brought you this slush if ya still want it... you don't have to pay its on me. so i took it and though wow that hasn't happened ever.... it was nice.... when i got home i had a box waiting for me my bday gift from my good friend jenna. it was a heart necklace the had writing around it that says a true friend reaches for your hand but touches your heart. She told me she was really sorry it didn't come on my bday. I told her im glad it didn't because i had been upset all day and it made me happy...so it came just in time. Then for some odd odd reason i got a 74 cent check from my belk card....i mean its only .74 but hey ill take what i can get. And lastly I was upset that we were going to have to pull adrianna out of ballet. she takes both ballet/tap and then gymnastics and loves it all. but we have to cut back alot to pay for the vet bill we were gonna have to take her out of one of the classes. My momma told me she will pay for her ballet class so we didnt have to take her out... Thank you so much mom...i felt so bad having to take her out i know she would have been upset!! So ill keep taking these good things that are happening please this kind of stuff usually never happens so please keep it coming please please.....
xoxo Amanda