Story of my life

So here it is... my story. Have you ever seen the movie good luck chuck? That's me One of the most un luckiest girl you will ever meet. Pretty much every day my life is an adventure of things going wrong. So i thought i would share my mishaps and bad luck with all of you!
With love

bad dreams and pee sheets

July 21st

Soo... last night i went to bed super late well actually like 1 a.m. today i have the day off i can sleep in no worries......sigh...Well about 4 or so Adrianna wakes up screaming "i don't want to do it i don't want to do it!!!!" she comes in our room clearly had a bad dream tried to ask her about it was about but she couldn't tell me lol. So we get her all settled in our bed then Andrew and i kinda wake up the same time i feel a little wet Andrew starts feeling his side of the bed...and we realize that at one point in the night....we got peed on....yes... so i got her up cleaned her off dressed her and put her in her bed. I striped the sheets off the bed changed my clothes washed off , layed back down for a little more sleep.... not even twenty min later Adrianna comes to my room asking for a Popsicle... i told her no she threw a crying fit and went to her room to be mad......all this before 7 a.m then comes back to my room tells me to get up and she is hungry... I'm afraid its going to be a long day and its only 8:30


  1. LOL.. Ohhhh I remember those nights. Waking up to a warm wet feeling. umm mom, whats wrong with a popcicle before 7am? HAHAHAHA

  2. LOVE the blog Amanda! I'm a "follower" of it now and look forward to the posts to come...

    Best, Lachlan
