Story of my life

So here it is... my story. Have you ever seen the movie good luck chuck? That's me One of the most un luckiest girl you will ever meet. Pretty much every day my life is an adventure of things going wrong. So i thought i would share my mishaps and bad luck with all of you!
With love

DIY nursing Tank!!

It's been a while since I've blogged i know, but honestly not much bad luck has happened to really keep you entertained! I decided to start sharing my crafty ways for everyone.... i mean lately I've been Amazing myself with some of the projects i have done! Today I'm sharing DIY nursing tanks!!

Everything for baby is pretty much ready(besides his coming home outfits, we just haven't found "the one") as excited as I am that i have everything ready for baby Austin i realized....I don't have many of the important items for myself yet!! Top of the list Nursing tanks and bra's ( well i do have nursing bra's from baby number 1 but since they fit me good now i feel they will not be fitting to well when my tata's are at their finest) Lucky for me one of the Lovely Fire wives Cindy mills purchased a breastfeeding take for me!! I was so excited! After trying it on and much examining for the contraption i realized.... i can totally make this my self!! Here is a picture of the one that had been purchased for me....

You use your own nursing bra and hook your nursing tank right to it! Some of these tanks also have a little plastic ring you slide over the Bottom hook of your bra as well. These fancy little things cost you about $25.00 each. Now having some of these is pretty essential in my book but $25! come on know our babies are already sucking our bank dry can us momma's get a break!!! We can now.....

First, Find cami or spaghetti strapped shirt that fits you well ( i like mine very fitted to wear as a undershirt) Most of these tanks come with built int bra's I wear a small but my boobs do not and let face it ladies the built in bra that cuts your boob in half because its to small is very unattractive and uncomfortable eek! So the first thing i do is cut out the built in bra, even if they fit in there nicely now they are about to get much larger so i really recommend this step!

This is the cami i bought today at walmart for only $4.88 mine is pink. You can also order 2 for 9.76 online.

They also have lace one's i purchased that as well. Now you have your tank! go ahead and cut out the built in bra now! Next you want to cut the strap in the back NOT THE FRONT only the back like so....

( this is the lace one) Good! Now in the front of the shirt make a loop with the strap, you may want to grab you nursing bra so you know how big to make the loop. I recommend making it tight so you have to pull the loop over the hook with a little bit of force so it fits very snug!

Fantastic! Now that you have that loop you want to sew it back onto the shirt! I just use a thick needle and double the thread to make it stronger, it only takes a few seconds so a sewing machine really isn't needed. Try to match the color of thread to your shirt the best you can

After you strongly secure the loop you may now cut off the rest of the strap leaving you with just the little loop! Repeat these steps on the other side!!
Put on your nursing bra, place the loops over the bottom hook of your bra and snap your bra together....TADA!!! I just saved you $20.00 per tank!!

This is one i had already made ;-)


You can now get office supplies at belk!!!

Nov 3rd

Not really but if im working you may get lucky......

Today was crazy we are doing presale for on of belks biggest events in which we try to get everyone to let us hold there merchandise until that weekend which is when the big sale is so they don't have to come in standing in big long lines to get the good good sale prices so we just hold there items in the back charge the account sat. morning so hey get the good deals with out having to come in ...our goal was 20000 dollars for each employee.

SO i worked alone for most the day today presaleing like crazy i was up to my elbows in bags being he register that needed to go to the back. Finally my other co worker arrived and i could breathe i lost the stapler and my pens and about to loose my mind. I figured I'd find everything once i cleaned up...nope no stapler could be found. I took some more bags to the back and when i came back my co worker said the stapler has been found. O good i say ya...u put it in a Lady's back of clothes, she got in her can and looked at her stuff and though well i didn't by a stapler! She thought maybe is was our.....Ha ha sure was

Its almost as funny was the time i was wrapping a bday present for my 3 yr old niece at the time and lost the scissors and when we were at my sisters opening gifts she opens my present and my little niece pulled out the scissors from her present and my sister demanded why the heck i gave a 3 yr old scissor....that where they went huh.... haha just another day of my life.

faux Monkeys

Oct 21st

Today we took Adrianna to the pumpkin patch. We had a lot of fun took a tractor ride to pick put our pumpkins went through a "sugar cane maze" since corn doesn't exist is Sc lol. Doing the sugar cane maze a boy came running up behind Adrianna and it scared her. Andrew gave her a stick and said well if he does it again hit with a stick. A minute later he can running by she swung her stick like a baseball bat and had a I'm gonna "destroy you" look on her face she missed but the boy got the point he didn't run by her anymore, Andrew couldn't be prouder and i could stop laughing...

So they had a little petting area which had horses and ducks, pigs and bunnies the typical far animals. Well we walked up and i stood in front of a cage there were about 15 people around me I go awww look at the monkeys. Everyone looked at me turned around real fast and were searching to find these moneys my husband got really excited and i had everyone on the hunt even the lady that worked there. About 2 seconds later i said " um i mean bunnies look at the bunnies" You could see monkey searchers disappointment when if fact there were no monkeys... They lady that worked there said well i didn't think we had any monkeys but ya never know haha. My husband was the most sad about the whole situation for he was the one most excited about seeing monkeys poor guy i think ill take him to the zoo ;-)

excuse me, have you seen my clothes?

Aug 6th

So today started off pretty well, not alot went on just work. Later in the afternoon i went and got some coffee was drinking out of the straw being safe ya know...Nope the straw squirted coffee all down my shirt....or course right. So The girl i was working with say hey go back and just put a ice cube on the spots just hold it there it will come right out!. So there i the break room holding a ice cube on my boob and one on my stomach. Another lady thats works there walked in looked at me with a curious but unsure expression turned around and walked out with out saying a word...fantastic she thinks im a freak. By the way the ice cube trick....ya didn't work. so i scrubbed it with soap and water until it came out.... then i went back to the sales floor with a soaking wet 1/2 see through shirt. ANd after it stains were still visible.......sigh

Aug 7th
Well back to work again for me today i has to close it was crazy busy for the tax free weekend. I went in the dressing room and cleaned them all out while putting the clothes back on hangers and what not i came across a pair of worn khaki shorts and a grungy tank top. I thought wow how nice someone comes in and changes there clothes and steals the new ones. Jerks. soo i call the Loss prevention lady and told my manager about it. And the loss prevention was looking on camera to see if they see anyone and what not.... But then.... A lady comes to the register..... Excuse me.. have you seen my clothes? i stepped out to get a different size and went back and they are gone!!!! SO i in fact was the clothes stealer not her.... soo i gave her clothes back i her and called off the search. Apparently im being a little too efficient at my job and need to calm a down a bit. talking people clothes and all.....ah haha everyone got a good laugh at me for that one.
what can i say, Story of my life.

Man down and a bruised apple

Aug 3

So i thought that since we've been having such rotten luck that maybe my little petty bad luck episodes were gone for a while and maybe the bad luck fairy was giving me a break.....until today
I Get to work as I'm gathering my lunch, my apple, my fiber one bar , my coke zero, my coffee and my phone...ooh and my keys don't forget my keys... i have everything piled just so, so i can carry it all inside( we cant have purses on the floor and has to be in a locker and i cant figure out my damn locker combo turn the knob this way once and that way 3 times...and so on so i just choose not to use my locker) i shut the door my apple rolls off my pile and under my car....sigh.. i open my door put everything back inside and crawl under my car (in a pink dress) to retrieve my apple...only thing missing from this scenario is a big gust of wind blowing my dress up and over my behind referring to last year at my grandpa's funeral when we were walking out to the funeral ceremony and a gust of wind took my dress all the way to my waist reveling me and a black thong and a bunch of blushing people who try to pretend they didn't see anything...they did...) any way i opt out on any further embarrassment..this time. i get my pile back together and start to head in and then my coke zero falls off my pile.... and busts a stream of coke comes flying out fizzing all over the place , and squirting my legs...i run...sorry coke I'm leaving u behind today. i get inside.....drop my apple again Arg now i have a bruised apple and no coke at least I'm on time for work. I clock in and read the new posts on the board, our hours changed no one mentioned it to me....i was a hour late. Then i realize its senior day at work today even better. So my day goes on pretty normal...then one of the associate that works the register in the bra's comes up to bring me the clothes that belongs in our dept. Let me tell you this women... Is the rudest, meanest, grumpiest women in the store, customers complain and employee's complain about this old bat. Yet she preaches that she is a child of god and how christian she is.... One extreme to the other.. i dunno but i don't think you can me a mean hateful women and the worlds best christian i just don't think it works that way.....but in her loony mind it does...Any who ,here is our conversation mean lady: You know u guys can bring clothes down to me too. Me: yup i sure do cristina was getting ready to head to lunch and bring you clothes. Mean lady: well you know u can bring it down too. Me: well i sure do know that i can thank you. Mean lady: mmh ya just letting you know Me: well you don't have to tell me hun i already know! ill make sure ill bring u a big o pile next have a great day now. mean lady: grumble grumble grumble...hehe I thought it was pretty funny. gah she is just so mean and rotten that women. we have fights sarcastic fights i love it. Then we had about 5 seniors complaining an bitching about everything and anything...ahh i love senior day ;-)

It's Kinda like that

July 27th

So you know how you never see a certain type of car until you own one then you see them everywhere?....its kinda like that.... Sunday evening after everything was over..andrew and i were laying in bed watch t.v. A commercial for the PepsieMAX drink came on followed by a commercial for dogs...andrew and i both looked at each other like are u serious right now....ugh... Then today i was just skimming the newspaper looking at real estate and there in bold letters.... Mastiff puppies for sale.... ya know i would have never seen that add if max was okay.....we are getting reminded without even wanting to be reminded that our boy is sucks.....

but on a lighter note a few good things....

yesterday i was waiting in line at sonic to get a tropical fruit of the workers (knows me pretty well b/c of my visits came rolling up with a drink. She said ya here for a lemon berry slush? i said no not today i haven't had that in a while i started drinking the fruit smoothies...she's like well i didn't know ya changed on me i brought you this slush if ya still want it... you don't have to pay its on me. so i took it and though wow that hasn't happened ever.... it was nice.... when i got home i had a box waiting for me my bday gift from my good friend jenna. it was a heart necklace the had writing around it that says a true friend reaches for your hand but touches your heart. She told me she was really sorry it didn't come on my bday. I told her im glad it didn't because i had been upset all day and it made me it came just in time. Then for some odd odd reason i got a 74 cent check from my belk card....i mean its only .74 but hey ill take what i can get. And lastly I was upset that we were going to have to pull adrianna out of ballet. she takes both ballet/tap and then gymnastics and loves it all. but we have to cut back alot to pay for the vet bill we were gonna have to take her out of one of the classes. My momma told me she will pay for her ballet class so we didnt have to take her out... Thank you so much mom...i felt so bad having to take her out i know she would have been upset!! So ill keep taking these good things that are happening please this kind of stuff usually never happens so please keep it coming please please.....

xoxo Amanda

Max's doctor report

to all concerned,

Andrew and Amanda wright brought their recently rescued mastiff in on emergency. He had been chronically vomiting, not eating adequately, and not gaining weight. An enteric foreign body obstruction was diagnosed. The wrights elected surgery. No other option existed other than euthanasia. Max was sick.
At surgery a fibrous foreign object was found about 5 feet down the small intentional tract from the stomach. The S.I. tract was angry and edematous. The stomach contained foreign fibers, old sticks and some new live leaves.
On 7-20 the damaged portion of the small intestinal tract had to be resected and anatomised. Adhesion's were present. Max had reduced motility and what appeared to be chronic scarring in the pylorus of the stomach. These foreign bodies could have been present for a while and probably were givin max;s chronic emesis and low weight. We operated on max a third time in a attempt to control adhesions and peritonitis from the damaged bowel initially found. Max was such a good dog. The whole hospital loved him,. We lost max. He acquired D.I.C. from probably the abdominal toxins and micro clots. His death was a blow to everyone. The wrights are understandably devastated. They tried to do all they could to save a dog they only had for a short while. I have practiced medicine for 28 years in a bust practice. I have personally done 3 gastronomy/enterotomy procedures since 7/18/2010 with no complications. I feel max probably had that object in his stomach for quite a while or at least other object that gave his pylorus and upper duodenum fits.
The wright's are a very fine young couple. Amanda was at the hospital everyday. Anything that can be done to help them out would be well deserved.