Aug 3
So i thought that since we've been having such rotten luck that maybe my little petty bad luck episodes were gone for a while and maybe the bad luck fairy was giving me a break.....until today
I Get to work as I'm gathering my lunch, my apple, my fiber one bar , my coke zero, my coffee and my phone...ooh and my keys don't forget my keys... i have everything piled just so, so i can carry it all inside( we cant have purses on the floor and has to be in a locker and i cant figure out my damn locker combo turn the knob this way once and that way 3 times...and so on so i just choose not to use my locker) i shut the door my apple rolls off my pile and under my car....sigh.. i open my door put everything back inside and crawl under my car (in a pink dress) to retrieve my apple...only thing missing from this scenario is a big gust of wind blowing my dress up and over my behind referring to last year at my grandpa's funeral when we were walking out to the funeral ceremony and a gust of wind took my dress all the way to my waist reveling me and a black thong and a bunch of blushing people who try to pretend they didn't see anything...they did...) any way i opt out on any further embarrassment..this time. i get my pile back together and start to head in and then my coke zero falls off my pile.... and busts a stream of coke comes flying out fizzing all over the place , and squirting my legs...i run...sorry coke I'm leaving u behind today. i get inside.....drop my apple again Arg now i have a bruised apple and no coke at least I'm on time for work. I clock in and read the new posts on the board, our hours changed no one mentioned it to me....i was a hour late. Then i realize its senior day at work today even better. So my day goes on pretty normal...then one of the associate that works the register in the bra's comes up to bring me the clothes that belongs in our dept. Let me tell you this women... Is the rudest, meanest, grumpiest women in the store, customers complain and employee's complain about this old bat. Yet she preaches that she is a child of god and how christian she is.... One extreme to the other.. i dunno but i don't think you can me a mean hateful women and the worlds best christian i just don't think it works that way.....but in her loony mind it does...Any who ,here is our conversation mean lady: You know u guys can bring clothes down to me too. Me: yup i sure do cristina was getting ready to head to lunch and bring you clothes. Mean lady: well you know u can bring it down too. Me: well i sure do know that i can thank you. Mean lady: mmh ya just letting you know Me: well you don't have to tell me hun i already know! ill make sure ill bring u a big o pile next time...you have a great day now. mean lady: grumble grumble grumble...hehe I thought it was pretty funny. gah she is just so mean and rotten that women. we have fights sarcastic fights i love it. Then we had about 5 seniors complaining an bitching about everything and anything...ahh i love senior day ;-)
So i thought that since we've been having such rotten luck that maybe my little petty bad luck episodes were gone for a while and maybe the bad luck fairy was giving me a break.....until today
I Get to work as I'm gathering my lunch, my apple, my fiber one bar , my coke zero, my coffee and my phone...ooh and my keys don't forget my keys... i have everything piled just so, so i can carry it all inside( we cant have purses on the floor and has to be in a locker and i cant figure out my damn locker combo turn the knob this way once and that way 3 times...and so on so i just choose not to use my locker) i shut the door my apple rolls off my pile and under my car....sigh.. i open my door put everything back inside and crawl under my car (in a pink dress) to retrieve my apple...only thing missing from this scenario is a big gust of wind blowing my dress up and over my behind referring to last year at my grandpa's funeral when we were walking out to the funeral ceremony and a gust of wind took my dress all the way to my waist reveling me and a black thong and a bunch of blushing people who try to pretend they didn't see anything...they did...) any way i opt out on any further embarrassment..this time. i get my pile back together and start to head in and then my coke zero falls off my pile.... and busts a stream of coke comes flying out fizzing all over the place , and squirting my legs...i run...sorry coke I'm leaving u behind today. i get inside.....drop my apple again Arg now i have a bruised apple and no coke at least I'm on time for work. I clock in and read the new posts on the board, our hours changed no one mentioned it to me....i was a hour late. Then i realize its senior day at work today even better. So my day goes on pretty normal...then one of the associate that works the register in the bra's comes up to bring me the clothes that belongs in our dept. Let me tell you this women... Is the rudest, meanest, grumpiest women in the store, customers complain and employee's complain about this old bat. Yet she preaches that she is a child of god and how christian she is.... One extreme to the other.. i dunno but i don't think you can me a mean hateful women and the worlds best christian i just don't think it works that way.....but in her loony mind it does...Any who ,here is our conversation mean lady: You know u guys can bring clothes down to me too. Me: yup i sure do cristina was getting ready to head to lunch and bring you clothes. Mean lady: well you know u can bring it down too. Me: well i sure do know that i can thank you. Mean lady: mmh ya just letting you know Me: well you don't have to tell me hun i already know! ill make sure ill bring u a big o pile next time...you have a great day now. mean lady: grumble grumble grumble...hehe I thought it was pretty funny. gah she is just so mean and rotten that women. we have fights sarcastic fights i love it. Then we had about 5 seniors complaining an bitching about everything and anything...ahh i love senior day ;-)
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